About AdH

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About AdH or Aspectos de hitokiriHoshi

Aspectos de hitokiriHOSHI is a personal lifestyle blogazine that features diverse advocacy and interests of Hoshi, which are the following: ↓

Logo of aspectos de hitokiriHOSHI by Oliver Calingo
Created by Oliver Calingo
  • Business / Negosyo 101 and Careers – small-time/ startup, taxes and licences, companies, freelancing,
    digital marketing, eCommerce

For more in-depth articles about Pinoys Career, please visit Employee 2.0

  • Arts and Culture –  Philippine festivals, history, art fair, scrapbooking, creative writing, and more
  • Online  and offline Wellness –  social media detox, work-life balance, online dos and donts, health, personality development

For my latest reviews and features about movies, music, TV shows, celebrities, and more – please visit my showbiz-oriented blog Entertainment Zone

You’ll find English posts on Hoshilandia, but mostly the articles are written in Filipino. It’s because  Hoshi’s native language is Filipino and her readers are mostly local students, young professionals, and Filipinos living and working abroad (OFWs). Some of the posts here were also published in the Filipino community newspapers in JapanDaloy Kayumanggi.

Hoshilandia.com aims to:

  • Share relevant information for Filipino yuppies, millennials, and OFWs that inspire them to become receptive, proactive, and positive.
  • Provide thought-provoking lessons/ issues about society and well-being here you’ll read essays, narrative stories, poems, and art projects.
  • Entertain – Hoshilandia also features interviews and stories about celebrities, events, art and music scenes, movie reviews, and  more.
  • Introduce Filipinos to the world – I believe in professional and skilled Filipinos are globally competitive
  • Simplify things for Pinoys – I blog in casual Filipino and conversational English

By the way, “Aspectos de” are Spanish words for “Aspects of.”

Achievements of Hoshilandia

In 2010, hoshilandia.com was one of the grand finalists for Tula or Poem ( Nasa Tao ang Gawa, nasa kalikasan ang Gantimpla) category in Saranggola Blog Awards.


In 2011, aspectos de hitokiriHOSHI was one of the finalists for the National level category: Personal blog category in Philippine Blog Awards

blogging (diversion)

 and its  publisher named the Top 4 Homebased Blogger of the Year in Pinoy Expat Blogger Awards (PEBA).

In February 2013 – Hitokirihoshi launched a blog contest project, entitled Blog Life that aimed to encourage Filipino bloggers to evaluate, realize, and recognize their compelling reasons in blogging.

Overall, AdH  biggest achievement is touch and inspire Filipinos. It considers positive feedback or comments as the sweetest rewards ever.

Some of my interviews/ coverage events:

  • when Jericho Rosales revealed to  me that he wants to work with Kathryn Bernardo 
  • when Dr. Galileo Galang divulged that Filipino
    students only know few epic heroes

Vic Sotto [or Bossing] shared  that as a producer he treats everyone equally

Lakbay2Love and Solenn Heussaff shared my Movie Review: Lakbay2Love

Solenn Heussaff' Instagram Post about Hitokirihoshi's Movie Review

Who is Hitokirihoshi?

My online moniker, Hitokirihoshi, is coined from my two favorite anime characters– Kenshin Himura also known as Hitokiri Batousai (from Samurai X) and Emperor Hotohori a.k.a. Hoshi (Fushigi Yuugi). Hitokiri means ‘slasher’ and Hoshi is ‘star’ so Hitokirihoshi is Slasher Star. At first it’s just for fun, but later on the Hitokirihoshi (other just simply called me Hoshi) in me becomes a real “Slasher” online and offline.

Hitokirihoshi logo by Conrad Mananes

I worked full-time in three different companies before I decided to try telecommuting or freelancing. However, since then, I have always done sideline business and part-time jobs (anak-pawis here). Thus, I have become a freelancer/ home-based entrepreneur/ online seller/ blogger ( see the slash?).

I don’t like posting photos of myself (not a fan of selfie) and anyway, I started as an anonymous blogger.  For your information, I am…

  • Slow mover but hyper thinker – I like to separate things and aspects ( one reason of ‘aspectos’ in my blog title and having different pseudonyms)
  • Inquisitive -I prefer to feature other stories and people than myself as a blogger ( let’s see in the future when I become videoblogger). Oh I really like interviewing interesting people
  • Ambivert – I am quite serious in deep conversation , but I’m jolly, talkative and quirky too (especially with my friends).
  • Passionate – I advocate financial literacy, education, Pinoy small time business, transportation service for Senior Citizens, and Philippine Culture and Arts
  • Into Arts – I am sort of cinephile, music lover, art appreciator ( architecture and visual arts), cultural heritages
  • Practical – My friends know how thrifty and level-headed I am.
  • Shuriken in Hitokirihoshi‘s logo – the 5-point Shuriken or Ninja throwing star represents my attack in blogging. The 5 points/ blades are the 5 sides or aspects of hitokiriHOSHI
Conrad Mananes' art work for Hoshi and About Adh
Ate Jevs ni Hoshi (Conrad Mananes’ artwork for Hoshi)

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