5 Best Things to do in January

What do you intend to achieve in the first month of your New Year? Do you have New Year’s resolutions or goals?  Start your New Year right by doing something ngayong na agad January 2019. Why? Because this is the right time to do worthy things like the following:

Resign from your Job – Siyempre don’t resign for the sake of doing it.  Pero if you’re planning and medyo decided na, one of the best time to quit from your job is in January. Why?  Sir Kiko, an accountant and my former office mate, shared na by this time people got already their bonus and (halos?) calculated na ang kanilang taxes/ benefits.  I followed this advice two or three years after pa, and  yet tama pa rin s’ya. I also found out that there are many job openings every January compare to other months.

Start to legalize your business.  Of course, you can start your business anytime and encourage you to make your dream a reality this January 2019. However, nasa good timing ka pa especially in the aspect of legalizing it because the annual renewal of Mayor’s Permit and BIR business registration is in January.  Take it from me, I filed last November so my Mayor’s Permit and certification lasted for more than a month only.  On the other hand, DTI  business certification and Barangay business permit ay okay anytime

*BIR – Bureau of Internal Revenue

*DTI – Department of Trade and Industry

Let go of the stuff you don’t need  –   Actually better to do this in November or December, but it’s also cool this January.  Why? to start your 2019 fresh, clean, and spacious. Plus, we spent a lot during Yuletide season so our pockets and wallets need to recuperate by earning from something like selling second-hand books, gadgets and especially gifts you don’t need.  Of course there are gifts that we should keep either for sentimental and practical reasons. But if you already have two mobile phones, why add one or two more?  You can sell the old ones, swap to other things (laptop?) or sell the new one while it has high value.

Feed your spirit and mind though classes or seminars – Summer classes are expensive and little bit boring if you’re conditioned  to go for vacation.  IMHO, January is special because majority of us are  open to take challenges and reach our goals.


Sakyan mo ang bugso ng iyong damdamin, what motivates you to take hard steps for revolutionary results is your strongly feeling.

I also recommend to take some deep meditation/ prayer for detox, recount your blessings, and be real in your resolutions.

Pray it works

Make a clear and detail plan for your 2019–  cliché man, but planning is essential in all aspects of our lives. Ika nga ni Mang Benjamin Franklin: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”  What makes a dream just an idea for so many years is because of the lack concrete plan and will power to act.  Let’s say you’re planning to travel in Palawan or South Korea in September, will you just fly there without preparation?  If you don’t plan even what you need to prepare, then possibly it will not happen in 2019.  Pray so you will feel positive and blessed, but also  plan it in details –

Business/Career Ideas

  • Where are you want to go in South Korea/ Palawan?
  • How much the fare, hotel fee, and your pocket money?
  • How you’re going to fund your travel goal? Take sideline jobs, save Php 1000 every month, or borrow Php 500 each from your 24 relatives?
  • What you intend to do? If you like to be slimmer when you wear your swim wear – then slim down. If you like to capture all the interesting views – then get a good camera and learn photography.

IMHO, the best counter attack to negativity are concrete plans, will power, prayers, and  good decision-making.  Sometimes, you may need to take other routes or process along the way, but you will not be lost in the abyss if it’s clear what you’re aiming for 😉

Have a blissful bountiful healthy peaceful 2019!

About Hitokirihoshi

Slasher Star: passionate Content Creator, grade 1 Digital Marketer, on-the-go Filipina, progressive Technopreneur, frugal Traveler, nurtured Cinephile, Music lover, abstract Crafter, Digital Nomad, Millennial Baby, Multipotentialite, and Yuccie?

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