Negosyo 101

This Negosyo 101 page is the ultimate directory of Hitokirihoshi’s interviews, researches, analysis, tips, and feature stories  about business. Negosyo,  which means business in Filipino, is a source of income, career, or passion of some Pinoys. On the other hand, “101” means elementary or introductory facts about something. Thus, Negosyo 101 is giving you simple, but empowering ideas about business.

To get update about my business tips/ posts and more, like my Facebook Fan Page: Hoshilandia and  SUBSCRIBE to my Hitokirihoshi YOUTUBE Channel   🙂

For invites for seminars, promotion, events — email 😉

About Business Blogging

For some Pinoys, Negosyo is a way to earn money, a career to achieve wealth, or a journey for life-changing future.  For years, I thought I would not dream nor pursue to be a negosyante o entrepreneur. I had doubts if I could do it because I knew I’m not good in selling, marketing, face-to-face customer service, leadership, and MATH.  That changed in 2007, when I started to read about global financial crisis, Philippine Economy, failed/success stories of businessmen, and right/wrong mindsets of Filipinos about pagnenegosyo or entrepreneurship.

Since then I realized so many things about Negosyo.

  • Being employee or entrepreneur is just a decision. Do you have employee-mindset or business-oriented approach? Me? I believe I’m not only trained in school just to be a skilled employee.
  • Pinoys’ wrong mindset about negosyo. Example: most Pinoys confused Kabuhayan  or livelihood over Negosyo
  • Negosyo 101? You can learn it everywhere. Possibly my first business-mentor was my late grandfather Itang. When I was 3-4 years old, I joined him in getting supplies (kanin baboy mula sa bahay –bahay o tira-tirang gulay sa palengke) for his hog raising business, and harvesting corn, sugar cane, sweet potato, guava, and vegetables from our backyard farm. He also had house for rent business, which was part of his retirement fund.
Negosyo books
mga 3 books 😛

Join me in my quest to learn and blog/vlog everything about Negosyo!  My mission is to inform and uplift knowhow of Pinoys (including me) about entrepreneurship.

Direction: Please right click the titles to read my stories


How-to Business

Business Legalization series

Business Certificate of Registration

What negosyo?

Maging renter, landlord, or  real estate investor?
Maging renter, landlord, or real estate investor?

Tips for Work and Business

Load Retailing 

LoadXtreme Retailer and Dealer cards

Buhay Negosyante

(Stories about businessmen and wellness tips para sa mga negosyante)

Business Partnership

Blog and Social Media Entrepreneur

Ecommerce Training Program for Entrepreneur

Small Time  Pinay Entrepreneur –  ( Hoshi’s Business Story)


Technopreneurship – homebased business

Why to Go Business or Be Entrepreneur?

Business Ideas

digital influencers marketing summit 2015  apple alison

Featured Business

Beads Republic


Digital Marketing Lozatech 

Food Market 

Gawa ni Femi

Google Business Group – #GDays Manila

Photo Booth – Pixo Hub

Purple Bamboo Spa

Raon – shopping center for low-priced electronic devices

Remnants Thrift Shop

Unified Products and Services

Verjube Photographics (VJP)

The Reading Room

The Yellow Violet House

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